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sn.46.4 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


On one occasion the Venerable Sāriputta was dwelling at Savatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anathapiṇḍika’s Park. There the Venerable Sāriputta addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Friends, bhikkhus!”

“Friend,” they replied. The Venerable Sāriputta said this:

“Friends, there are these seven factors of enlightenment. What seven? The enlightenment factor of mindfulness, the enlightenment factor of discrimination of states, the enlightenment factor of energy, the enlightenment factor of rapture, the enlightenment factor of tranquillity, the enlightenment factor of concentration, the enlightenment factor of equanimity. These are the seven factors of enlightenment.

“Whichever of these seven factors of enlightenment I want to dwell in during the morning, I dwell in that factor of enlightenment during the morning. Whichever I want to dwell in during the middle of the day, I dwell in that factor of enlightenment during the middle of the day. Whichever I want to dwell in during the evening, I dwell in that factor of enlightenment during the evening.

“If, friends, it occurs to me, ‘Let it be the enlightenment factor of mindfulness,’ it occurs to me, ‘It’s measureless’; it occurs to me, ‘It’s fully perfected.’ While it persists, I understand, ‘It persists. ’ If it abates in me, I understand, ‘It has abated in me for a particular reason.’ …

“If, friends, it occurs to me, ‘Let it be the enlightenment factor of equanimity,’ it occurs to me, ‘It’s measureless’; it occurs to me, ‘It’s fully perfected.’ While it persists, I understand, ‘It persists.’ But if it abates in me, I understand, ‘It has abated in me for a particular reason.’

“Suppose, friends, a king or a royal minister had a wardrobe full of differently coloured clothes. Whatever suit he might want to wear in the morning he would wear in the morning. Whatever suit he might want to wear during the middle of the day he would wear during the middle of the day. Whatever suit he might want to wear in the evening he would wear in the evening. So too, friends, whichever of these seven factors of enlightenment I want to dwell in during the morning … during the middle of the day … during the evening, I dwell in that factor of enlightenment during the evening.

“If, friends, it occurs to me, ‘Let it be the enlightenment factor of mindfulness’ … all as above … I understand, ‘It has abated in me for a particular reason.’”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


At one time Venerable Sāriputta was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.
There Sāriputta addressed the mendicants:
“Reverends, mendicants!”
“Reverend,” they replied.
Sāriputta said this:
“There are these seven awakening factors.
What seven?
The awakening factors of mindfulness, investigation of principles, energy, rapture, tranquility, immersion, and equanimity.
These are the seven awakening factors.
In the morning, I meditate on whichever of these seven awakening factors I want.
At midday,
and in the evening, I meditate on whichever of these seven awakening factors I want.
If it’s the awakening factor of mindfulness, I know that it’s limitless and that it’s properly implemented. While it remains I understand that it remains.
And if it subsides in me I understand the specific reason it subsides. …
If it’s the awakening factor of equanimity, I know that it’s limitless and that it’s properly implemented. While it remains I understand that it remains.
And if it subsides I understand the specific reason it subsides.
Suppose that a ruler or their minister had a chest full of garments of different colors.
In the morning, they’d don whatever pair of garments they wanted.
At midday,
and in the evening, they’d don whatever pair of garments they wanted.
In the same way, in the morning,
at midday,
and in the evening, I meditate on whichever of these seven awakening factors I want.
If it’s the awakening factor of mindfulness, I know that it’s limitless and that it’s properly implemented. While it remains I understand that it remains.
And if it subsides I understand the specific reason it subsides. …
If it’s the awakening factor of equanimity, I know that it’s limitless and that it’s properly implemented. While it remains I understand that it remains.
And if it subsides I understand the specific reason it subsides.”