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sn.48.21 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Future Lives

“Mendicants, there are these five faculties.
What five?
The faculties of faith, energy, mindfulness, immersion, and wisdom.
As long as I didn’t truly understand these five faculties’ gratification, drawback, and escape, I didn’t announce my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans.
But when I did truly understand these five faculties’ gratification, drawback, and escape, I announced my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans.
Knowledge and vision arose in me:
‘My freedom is unshakable; this is my last rebirth; now there’ll be no more future lives.’”