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snp.1.6 Suttanipata


Thus have I heard:

At one time the Radiant one was dwelling at Jeta’s Grove in the park of Anāthapiṇḍika near Sāvatthī. Then as the night was ending a deva of surpassing radiance, illuminating the whole of Jeta’s Grove, went up to the Radiant One and stood to one side after saluting him. Standing there that deva addressed the Radiant One with a verse:

To ask the lord we come here,
from Gotama we wish to know;
That one who goes disaster way—
what’s the way to disaster’s woes?

The wise one does develop well,
the unwise to disaster bound;
the lover of Dharma develops well,
Dharma-hater to disaster’s round.

We clearly understand this much,
that way’s first to disaster’s woe;
second, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

The untrue, they are dear to me,
true persons, they’re not dear, so
the untrue teaching one prefers—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
second that way’s to disaster’s woe;
thirdly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

Lethargic and gregarious—
whoever is of effort low,
lazy and anger marked—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
third that way’s to disaster’s woe;
fourthly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

Though wealth’s enough one does not help,
mother and father who aged grow,
though long their youth is left behind—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
that way’s fourth to disaster’s woe;
fifthly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

Whether with priest or monk as well,
one likes to lie and cheat, also
deceiving other wanderers—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
that way’s fifth to disaster’s woe;
sixthly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

A person of great property,
with wealth and food they overflow,
and yet enjoy its sweets alone—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
that way’s sixth to disaster’s woe;
seventh, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

Proud of birth and proud of wealth,
so of their families they crow,
but meeting, slight their relatives—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
seventh that way’s to disaster’s woe;
eighthly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

Debauched in drink, with women too,
by dice debauched; such a fellow,
little by little his assets waste—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
that way’s eighth to disaster’s woe;
ninthly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

Unsatisfied with his own wife,
with others’ wives he’s seen in tow,
corrupted too with prostitutes—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
that way’s ninth to disaster’s woe;
tenthly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

A man no longer young still weds
a girl with apple breasts—and lo!
for jealousy he cannot sleep—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
that way’s tenth to disaster’s woe;
may the Lord eleventh advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

Whoever, whether woman or man,
drunken, dissolute, wealth does blow;
then in position of power is placed—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

We clearly understand this much,
eleventh that way’s to disaster’s woe;
twelfthly, may the Lord advise—
what’s the way to disaster’s woe?

When, from noble family sprung
with little wealth, great craving though,
and still one wants to rule the realm—
that’s the way to disaster’s woe.

The one who’s wise well knows the way
within this world to disaster’s woe;
and then that Noble, insight pure,
to a blessed state one such does go.

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills


So I have heard.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.
Then, late at night, a glorious deity, lighting up the entire Jeta’s Grove, went up to the Buddha, bowed, and stood to one side.
Standing to one side, that deity addressed the Buddha in verse:
“We ask Gotama
about a man’s downfall.
We have come to ask you sir:
what leads to downfall?”
“It’s easy to know success,
and downfall is just as easy.
One who loves the teaching succeeds,
but a hater of the teaching meets their downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the first downfall.
Tell us the second, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“The bad are dear to him,
he has no love for the good.
He believes the teaching of the bad;
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the second downfall.
Tell us the third, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“Fond of sleep, fond of company,
a man who does no work;
he’s lazy, marked by anger,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the third downfall.
Tell us the fourth, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“Though able, he does not look after
his mother and father
when elderly, past their prime,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the fourth downfall.
Tell us the fifth, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“He deceives with lies
ascetics and brahmins
and other renunciates,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the fifth downfall.
Tell us the sixth, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“A man with plenty of wealth—
gold and food—
eats delicacies alone,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the sixth downfall.
Tell us the seventh, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“Vain of caste, wealth,
and clan, a man
looks down on his own family,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the seventh downfall.
Tell us the eighth, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“In womanizing, drinking,
and gambling, a man
wastes all that he has earned,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the eighth downfall.
Tell us the ninth, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“Not content with his own partners,
he debauches himself with prostitutes,
and with others’ partners,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the ninth downfall.
Tell us the tenth, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“A man well past his prime
marries a girl with budding breasts;
he cannot sleep for jealousy,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the tenth downfall.
Tell us the eleventh, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“He places in authority
a woman or a man
who’s a drunkard and a wastrel,
and that leads to his downfall.”
“We get what you’re saying,
this is the eleventh downfall.
Tell us the twelfth, Blessed One:
what leads to downfall?”
“A man of little wealth and strong craving,
born into an aristocratic family,
sets his sights on kingship,
and that leads to his downfall.
Seeing these downfalls in the world,
an astute and noble person,
accomplished in vision,
will enjoy a world of grace.”