buddha daily wisdom image

snp.2.1 Suttanipata

The Minor Chapter

The Threefold Gem

Whatever beings are assembled here,
creatures of earth or spirits of the sky,
may they be happy-minded, every one,
and pay good heed to what is said to them.

Hence, all ye spirits, hear attentively,
look lovingly upon the human race,
and, since they bring you offerings day and night,
keep watch and ward about them heedfully.

The riches of this world and of the next
and all precious things the heavens may hold,
none can compare with the Tathāgata.
Yea, in the Buddha shines this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

The waning out of lust, that wondrous state
of Deathlessness the Sakyan Sage attained
through calm and concentration of the mind—

nothing with that state can ought compare.
Yea, in the Dharma shines this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

That flawless meditation praised by Him
who is the wisest of the wise, which brings
instant reward to one who practises—
naught with this meditation can compare.
Yea, in the Dharma shines this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

Those Persons Eight who all the sages praise,
make up four pairs. Worthy of offerings
are they, the followers of the Happy one,
and offerings made bear abundant fruit.
Yea, in the Saṅgha shines this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

Whoso, desireless, have applied themselves
firm-minded to the love of Gotama,
reached to the goal, plunged into Deathlessness,
freely enjoy Cool Peace they have attained.
Yea, in the Saṅgha shines this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

As a pillar firmly planted in the earth
Is unshaken by winds from the four directions,
So too, I say, is the True Person
Who sees the Noble Truths from their own experience.
Yea, in the Saṅgha is this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

Who clearly comprehend these Noble Truths
well-taught by him of wisdom fathomless,
however heedless be they afterwards
upon an eighth existence they’ll not seize.
Yea, in the Saṅgha is this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

As soon as one with insight is endowed,
three things become discarded utterly:
wrong view of a perduring self, and doubt,
and clinging to vain rites and empty vows.
Escaped that one from all four evil states,
and of the six great sins incapable.
Yea, in the Saṅgha is this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

Whatever sort of evil karma done—
by body even, or by speech or mind,
for one to hide these is not possible—
impossible for Seer of the State, it’s said.
Yea, in the Saṅgha is this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

Just as a forest grove puts forth its flowers
when the first month of summer heat has come,
so for the highest good of all, He taught
the truth sublime which to Nirvāṇa leads.
Yea, in the Buddha is this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

The Highest One, the Knower of the Highest,
the Giver and the Bringer of the Highest
’tis He who taught the Highest Truth of all.
Yea, in the Buddha is this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

The old is withered up, new being there is not,
now their minds desire no future birth,
destroyed the seeds, no want for future growth,
extinguished are those wise ones as this lamp.
Yea, in the Saṅgha is this glorious gem:
By virtue of this truth, may blessing be!

Whatever beings are assembled here,
creatures of the earth or spirits of the sky,
to th’ gods-and-men-adored Tathāgata,
to the Buddha let us bow: may blessing be!

Whatever beings are assembled here,
creatures of earth or spirits of the sky,
to th’ gods-and-men-adored Tathāgata,
to the Dharma let us bow: may blessing be!

Whatever beings are assembled here,
creatures of earth or spirits of the sky,
to th’ gods-and-men-adored Tathāgata,
to the Saṅgha let us bow: may blessing be!

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills


Whatever beings are gathered here,
Whether on the earth or in the sky,
May all these beings be happy,
And may they carefully listen to this speech.

Pay attention, all you beings,
Have loving-kindness for humans,
Day and night they bring offerings,
Therefore guard them diligently.

Of all the treasures here and beyond,
Even the magnificent jewels in the heavens,
There is nothing equal to the Tathāgata –
This is the magnificent jewel called the Buddha.
By this truth may there be well-being.

Elimination, dispassion, deathlessness, excellence,
What Sakyamuni attained in samādhi,
There is nothing like that Dhamma –
This is the magnificent jewel called the Dhamma.
By this truth may there be well-being.

What the Supreme Buddha praised as pure,
Spoken of as the knowledge arising directly from samādhi,
No equal to that samādhi can be found –
This is the magnificent jewel called the Dhamma.
By this truth may there be well-being.

The eight kinds of praiseworthy beings,
Those who are in four pairs,
They are worthy of donations, the Blissful One‘s disciples,
And gifts given to them produce great benefit.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Saṅgha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

Those whose minds are well-directed and steady,
Those who have set aside sensuality and followed Gotama‘s instructions,
They have reached the Deathless and immersed themselves in it,
Freely enjoying the enlightenment they acquired.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Saṅgha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

Just as a pillar firmly planted in the ground
Cannot be shaken by the four winds,
I say it is the same for a good person
Who clearly sees the noble truths.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Saṅgha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

Those for whom the noble truths become clear,
As well-taught by the One of Deep Wisdom,
No matter how negligent they are,
They will not take on an eighth existence.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Saṅgha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

One who has attained vision will inevitably discard three things:
Belief in self-existence, skepticism, and habitual practices.
They are freed from the four kinds of downfall,
And it is impossible for them to do any of the six terrible things.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Saṅgha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

Even if they perform a harmful deed with body, speech, or mind,
It is impossible for them to conceal it.
This is said to be impossible for one who has attained right view.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Saṅgha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

Like a forest grove in full bloom during the first month of summer
Is the excellent Dhamma that he taught,
Which leads to enlightenment – the paramount benefit.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Buddha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

The Excellent One –
Who knows what is excellent, gives what is excellent, brings what is excellent –
Taught the unsurpassed excellent Dhamma.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Buddha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

They have eliminated the old and do not produce the new,
Minds free of lust for future existence,
They have eliminated the seeds and have no interest in their growth,
The steadfast ones extinguish them, just like a lamp.
This is the magnificent jewel called the Saṅgha,
By this truth may there be well-being.

Whatever beings are gathered here,
Whether on the earth or in the sky,
The Tathāgata is honored by devas and humans,
We bow to the Buddha – may there be well-being.

Whatever beings are gathered here,
Whether on the earth or in the sky,
The Tathāgata is honored by devas and humans,
We bow to the Dhamma – may there be well-being.

Whatever beings are gathered here,
Whether on the earth or in the sky,
The Tathāgata is honored by devas and humans,
We bow to the Saṅgha – may there be well-being.

- Translator: Suddhāso Bhikkhu

- Editor: Aminah Borg-Luck


Whatever beings have gathered here,
on the ground or in the sky:
may beings all be of happy heart,
and listen carefully to what is said.
So pay heed, all you beings,
have love for humankind,
who day and night bring offerings;
please protect them diligently.
There’s no wealth here or beyond,
no sublime gem in the heavens,
that equals the Realized One.
This sublime gem is in the Buddha:
by this truth, may you be well!
Ending, dispassion, the undying, the sublime,
attained by the Sakyan Sage immersed in samādhi;
there is nothing equal to that Dhamma.
This sublime gem is in the Dhamma:
by this truth, may you be well!
The purity praised by the highest Buddha
is said to be the “immersion with immediate fruit”;
no equal to that immersion is found.
This sublime gem is in the Dhamma:
by this truth, may you be well!
The eight individuals praised by the good,
are the four pairs of the Holy One’s disciples;
they are worthy of religious donations,
what’s given to them is very fruitful.
This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:
by this truth, may you be well!
Dedicated to Gotama’s dispensation,
strong-minded, free of sense desire,
they’ve attained the goal, plunged into the deathless,
and enjoy the quenching they’ve freely gained.
This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:
by this truth, may you be well!
As a well planted boundary-pillar
is not shaken by the four winds,
I say a good person is like this,
who sees the noble truths in experience.
This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:
by this truth, may you be well!
Those who fathom the noble truths
taught by the one of deep wisdom,
do not take an eighth life,
even if they are hugely negligent.
This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:
by this truth, may you be well!
When they attain to vision
they give up three things:
identity view, doubt, and any
attachment to precepts and observances.
They’re freed from the four places of loss,
and unable to perform the six grave crimes.
This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:
by this truth, may you be well!
Even if they do a bad deed
by body, speech, or mind,
they are unable to conceal it;
they say this inability applies to one who has seen the truth.
This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:
by this truth, may you be well!
Like a tall forest tree crowned with flowers
in the first month of summer;
that’s how he taught the superb Dhamma,
leading to quenching, the ultimate benefit.
This sublime gem is in the Buddha:
by this truth, may you be well!
The superb, knower of the superb, giver of the superb, bringer of the superb;
taught the superb Dhamma supreme.
This sublime gem is in the Buddha:
by this truth, may you be well!
The old is ended, nothing new is produced.
their minds have no desire for future rebirth.
Withered are the seeds, there’s no desire for growth,
those wise ones are extinguished just like this lamp.
This sublime gem is in the Saṅgha:
by this truth, may you be well!
Whatever beings have gathered here,
on the ground or in the sky:
the Realized One is honored by gods and humans!
We bow to the Buddha! May you be safe!
Whatever beings have gathered here,
on the ground or in the sky:
the Realized One is honored by gods and humans!
We bow to the Dhamma! May you be safe!
Whatever beings have gathered here,
on the ground or in the sky:
the Realized One is honored by gods and humans!
We bow to the Saṅgha! May you be safe!