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snp.5.3 Suttanipata

The Young Man Tissa Metteyya’s Questions

“Who is satisfied here in the world?” said venerable Tissa Metteyya,
“For whom is there no turmoil?
Who is the wise man, who has known both ends, and is undefiled in the middle?
Who do you say is a Great Man? Who has gone beyond the seamstress here?”

“He who is chaste in regard to sense pleasures, Metteyya,” said the Gracious One,
“free from craving, always mindful,
having discernment the monk is emancipated, for him there is no turmoil.

“He is the wise man, who has known both ends, and is undefiled in the middle.
He, I say, is a Great Man, he has gone beyond the seamstress here.”

The Young Man Tissa Metteyya’s Questions are Finished

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato

Tissamettaya’s Questions

Who has contentment in the world?
Who is not agitated?
Who has experienced both extremes,
but wise, in the middle does not stick?
Who do you say’s a person great?
Who, seamstress-craving’s gone beyond?

A pure life leading ’mid pleasures of sense,
ever mindful and craving-free,
a bhikkhu cool, after reflection deep,
agitation’s none in such a one.

Who has experienced both extremes,
who wise, in the middle does not stick,
he, I say, is a person great,
who the seamstress-craving’s gone beyond.

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills

The Questions of Tissametteyya

“Who here in the world is content?”
said Venerable Tissametteyya.
“Who has no disturbances?
What thoughtful one, having known both ends,
is not stuck in the middle?
Who do they say is a great man?
Who here has escaped the seamstress?”
“Leading the spiritual life among sensual pleasures,”
replied the Buddha,
“rid of craving, ever mindful;
a mendicant who, after assessing, is quenched:
that’s who has no disturbances.
That thoughtful one, having known both ends,
is not stuck in the middle.
He is a great man, I declare,
he has escaped the seamstress here.”