buddha daily wisdom image

snp.5.9 Suttanipata

The Young Man Hemaka’s Questions

“Those who explained things to me in the past,” said venerable Hemaka,
“before Gotama’s teaching,
saying ‘it was so, and so it will be’, all that was just hearsay,
all that just increased my thoughts, and I did not delight therein.

“You must explain the Teaching to me, O Sage, and the destruction of craving,
which, having understood, and living mindfully, one can cross over clinging to the world.”

“In regard to likeable forms here seen, heard, sensed, and cognized, Hemaka,
the dispelling of desire and passion for them—this is the undying Nibbāna.

“Knowing this, those who are mindful, who are Emancipated in this very life,
those who are always peaceful, have crossed over clinging to the world.”

The Young Man Hemaka’s Questions are Finished

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato

Hemaka’s Questions

Those elders outside Gotama’s teaching-path
explained their doctrines in this way:
“so it was and so will be”—
all that was but traditional lore,
all that increased uncertainty,
And I took no delight in it.

Please, O Sage, explain to me
Dhamma destroying craving now,
knowing which the mindful fare,
and cross the world’s entanglements.

Here among all those pleasing things—
the seen and the heard, the sensed and thought—
whose wants removed and passion too—
this the unchanging Nirvāṇa-state.

With Final Knowledge those mindful ones,
now-seen the Dharma, cool-become
and ever they at peace remain,
they’ve crossed the world’s entanglements.

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills

The Questions of Hemaka

“Those who have previously answered me,”
said Venerable Hemaka,
“before I encountered Gotama’s teaching,
said ‘thus it was’ or ‘so it shall be’.
All that was just the testament of hearsay;
all that just fostered speculation:
I found no delight in that.
But you, sage, explain to me
the teaching that destroys craving.
Having understood it, one who lives mindfully
may cross over clinging in the world.”
“The removal of desire and lust, Hemaka,
for what is seen, heard, thought, or cognized here;
for anything liked or disliked,
is extinguishment, the imperishable state.
Those who have fully understood this, mindful,
are extinguished in this very life.
Always at peace,
they’ve crossed over clinging to the world.”