buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.34 Thera Apadana


Back then I was a brahmin man
known by the name of Sobhita.
Being honored by my students,
I went out to the ashram then.

Honored by the monks’ Assembly,
right at that time the Blessed One,
setting out from the ashram’s door,
stood there, the Ultimate Person.

I then saw him, the Sambuddha,
Tame One with a Tamed Retinue.
Bringing pleasure to my own heart
I praised the World-Leader kindly:

“Whatever trees that there might be
they all grow up in the firm earth.
So too, smart beings all grow up
in the Victor’s dispensation.

The Caravan-Leader, O Wise One,
you do remove many people
from the wrong road, lifting them up
by declaring the road to them.

Tame One surrounded by the tamed,
Meditator, by trance-lovers,
by those bent on exertion and
by peaceful ones, by neutral ones,

adorned by all your followers
with their virtues, you are splendid.
Your light spreads over everything
like the sun when it is rising.”

Seeing the pleasure in my heart
the Great Sage Padumuttara,
standing in the monks’ Assembly,
the Teacher spoke these verses then:

“I’ll relate details of this brahmin
who has caused joy to be produced.
For a hundred thousand aeons
he’ll delight in the world of gods.

Falling from Tusitā heaven
incited by his wholesome roots
he will renounce in the Blessed
One, Gotama’s dispensation.

Due to that karma done very well
he will attain arahantship.
He’ll be the Teacher’s follower
known by the name of Sāgata.

After renouncing he’ll avoid
bad karma done with the body then.
Avoiding bad karma with words
he’ll purify his livelihood.”

I am now living in that way,
skilled in the elements of power.
Knowing well all the defilements,
without defilements I now live.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

This indeed Venerable Sāgata Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Sāgata Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala