buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.418 Thera Apadana


When the Well-Gone-One passed away,
Siddhattha, Leader of the World,
all the gods and human beings
are worshipping the Best Biped.

And when a shrine had been set up
for Siddhattha, the World-Leader,
they’re worshipping the Teacher’s shrine
as vigorously as each could.

In the shrine’s vicinity, I
lit a lamp for the Buddha.
I kept my lamp lit the whole night,
until the sun rose the next day.

Due to that karma done very well,
with intention and firm resolve,
discarding my human body,
I went to Tāvatiṁsa then.

There my well-constructed mansion
was known by the name “Single Lamp.”
One hundred thousand lamps always
are lit for me in the mansion.

Like the sun when it is rising,
my body is always shining.
There is light for me all the time
through all the light of my body.

Right through walls, also right through rocks,
and passing over mountain-tops,
I am seeing, with my own eyes,
even one hundred leagues distant.

And seventy-seven times I
delighted in the world of gods.
And thirty-one different times,
I exercised divine rule there.

And then twenty-eight times I was
a king who turns the wheel of law.
There was also much local rule,
innumerable by counting.

Falling from the world of the gods,
I was born in a mother’s womb.
Even inside my mother’s womb,
one of my eyes remains open.

I went forth into homelessness
when I was only four years old.
When eight months still had not elapsed,
I attained my arahantship.

I purified my “divine eye;”
all new existence is destroyed.
Every defilement is cut off:
that’s the fruit of a single lamp.

Right through walls, also right through rocks;
I am seeing, passing over
even entire mountain-tops:
that’s the fruit of a single lamp.

Uneven spots are even for
me; darkness is not ever known;
I don’t see anything darkly:
that’s the fruit of a single lamp.

In the ninety-four aeons since
I gave Buddha a lamp back then,
I’ve come to know no bad rebirth:
that’s the fruit of a single lamp.

My defilements are now burnt up;
all new existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint.

Being in Best Buddha’s presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
I have done what the Buddha taught!

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Ekadīpiya Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Ekadīpiya Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala