buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.51 Thera Apadana


Padumuttara, World-Knower,
Sacrificial Recipient,
Great Famed One, lifting up people
did make them achieve nirvana.

And as the Buddha passed away
the ten thousand worlds were quaking.
A huge group of people and gods
assembled together there then.

Happy, and with a happy heart
I anointed the Best of Men
with a covering that was full
of incense and jasmine flowers.

The Teacher, Peerless in the World,
discerning what I was thinking,
the Clever One, the Sambuddha
uttered these verses about me:

“I shall relate details of him
who in these, my final moments,
covered me with scents and flowers;
all of you listen to my words:

Fallen from here this person will
go to the Tusitā heaven.
Exercising divine rule there
he will then go to Nimmāna.

There in that very same way he
having given superb flowers,
delighting in his own karma
will then enjoy much happiness.

Fallen again this man will be
born in a Tusitā body.
Falling from that body as well
he will go to a human state.

The Śākyas’ Son, Great Elephant,
Leader in the world with its gods
Eyeful One, awakening, will
make many achieve nirvana.

Going forth as a non-Buddhist,
incited by his wholesome roots,
approaching the Sambuddha he
will ask good questions at that time.

Once he’s spoken, the Sambuddha,
the Omniscient One, World-Leader,
discerning his former karma
will reveal the Four Noble Truths.

This one, wise and energetic,
happy, and with a tranquil mind,
after worshipping the Teacher
will ask to go forth a Buddhist.

The One Skilled in the Top Teaching,
he, the Buddha, will then ordain
this one gladdened by own-karma,
after seeing his well-pleased mind.

This man, after all his striving
in the Buddha’s dispensation,
knowing well all the defilements
will reach nirvana, undefiled.”

The Fifth Recitation Portion.
In keeping with my past karma,
being calm and well-attentive,
the Buddha’s legitimate son,
I am well-made, born from Dhamma.

Approaching the King of Teaching
I asked the ultimate question.
In addressing my question he
unloosed the stream of the Teaching.

Understanding his Teaching, I
lived fond of the dispensation.
Knowing well all the defilements,
without defilements I now live.

One hundred thousand aeons hence
the Buddha named for a lotus,
achieved nirvana, beyond grasp,
like a lamp deprived of its oil.

There was a stupa, made of gems,
rising up seven leagues in height,
all-auspicious and delightful;
there I performed a flag-pūjā.

Tissa, the foremost follower
of the Sambuddha, Kassapa,
was my own legitimate son,
an heir to that Victor’s teaching.

Because of his immature mind,
I once spoke inauspicious words.
As the result of that bad deed
I only saw the Victor’s death.

In a garden in a sal grove
the Great Sage, then on his death bed,
the Friend, Compassionate, Victor,
the Great Hero, ordained me there.

Today, right now I have gone forth;
today’s my ordination too.
And today’s the final passing
in front of the Best of Bipeds.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Subhadda Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Subhadda Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala