buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.59 Thera Apadana


After praising the true Teaching
of Buddha Padumuttara
who took pity on all creatures,
I was one who had upright views.

I donated a gift of lamps
to surround the great Bodhi Tree.
Believing in the Buddha I
then lit those lamps all of the time.

In whichever womb I’m reborn
whether it’s human or divine,
torches are carried in the sky:
that is the fruit of giving lamps.

Right through walls, also right through rocks,
and passing over mountain-tops,
I can see in all directions
even one hundred leagues distant.

Through the rest of that good karma
I have attained arahantship.
I’m bearing my last body in
the Biped-Lord’s dispensation.

Thirty-four hundred aeons thence
I was known as Satacakkhu;
I was a king with great power,
a wheel-turner who had great strength.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Pañcadīpika Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Pañcadīpika Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala