buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.9 Thera Apadana


Sambuddha Padumuttara
was the Best in the World, the Guide.
I saw him first, when he had just
achieved that state of Buddhahood.

All around the Bodhi tree’s roots
spirits were gathered together
surrounding the Sambuddha, they
worshipped, with hands pressed together.

All the gods had delighted minds;
as they flew around in the sky,
“This one has become a Buddha,
Dispelling the Darkness of Night.”

A huge din was being produced
by them overcome with laughter,
“We’ll destroy our defilements
in Sambuddha’s dispensation.”

Having heard the words of the gods,
that majestic speech they uttered,
I gave him his very first food,
happy, and with a happy heart.

Discerning what I was thinking,
the Teacher, Peerless in the World,
seated in the gods’ meeting hall
then spoke these verses about me:

“Leaving the world a week ago,
today I reached Awakening.
This one’s given me my first rice,
a celibate monk’s sustenance.

I shall relate details of him
who coming here from Tusitā
presented this almsfood to me;
all of you listen to my words:

For thirty thousand aeons he
will exercise divine rule.
Overpowering all the gods
he will reside in heaven then.

Falling down from the world of gods
he’ll go into a human state.
A thousand times a wheel-turner
he will reign there for a long time.

In one hundred thousand aeons,
arising in Okkāka’s clan,
the one whose name is Gotama
will be the Teacher in the world.

Falling down from heaven again
he’ll go into a human state.
Going forth from the house and world
he will dwell there for twenty years.

In the seventh year after that
the Buddha will declare the truth.
He whose name will be Koṇḍañña
will be the first one to grasp it.”

When he set out I too renounced
and great effort was made by me.
So as to destroy defilements
I went forth into homelessness.

Approaching, the Omniscient One,
Buddha in the world with its gods
did beat the drum of deathlessness
in the deer-forest named “Isi”.

He has now achieved deathlessness,
the unsurpassed and peaceful state.
Knowing well all the defilements,
without defilements I now live.

My defilements are now burnt up;
all new existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint.

Being in Best Buddha’s presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
I have done what the Buddha taught!

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Aññākoṇḍañña Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Aññākoṇḍañña Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala