buddha daily wisdom image

thag.7.4 Theragatha

Sopāka (2nd)

I saw the supreme person
walking mindfully in the shade of the terrace,
so I approached,
and bowed to the supreme among men.
Arranging my robe over one shoulder
and clasping my hands together,
I walked alongside that stainless one,
supreme among all beings.
The wise one, expert in questions,
questioned me.
Brave and fearless,
I answered the teacher.
When all his questions were answered,
the Realized One congratulated me.
Looking around the mendicant Saṅgha,
he said the following:
“It is a blessing for the people of Aṅga and Magadha
that this person enjoys their
robe and almsfood,
requisites and lodgings,
their respect and service—
it’s a blessing for them,” he declared.
“Sopāka, from this day on
you are invited to come and see me.
And Sopāka, let this
be your ordination.”
At seven years old
I received ordination.
I bear my final body—
oh, the excellence of the teaching!