buddha daily wisdom image

thig.6.5 Therigatha

Anopama, the Millionaire's Daughter

Born in a high-ranking family
with much property, great wealth,
consummate in complexion & figure,
I was the daughter of Majjha, the treasurer.

Sons of kings sought for me,
sons of rich merchants
longed for me.
One of them sent my father a messenger,

saying, "Give me Anopama.
I will give in return
eight times her weight
in jewels & gold."

But I, having seen
the One Self-awakened,
unsurpassed, excelling the world,
paid homage to his feet,
sat down to one side.

He, Gotama, from sympathy,
taught me the Dhamma.
And as I sat in that very seat,
I attained the third fruit
[of non-return.]

Then I cut off my hair,
and went forth into homelessness.
Today is the seventh day
since I made craving
wither away.

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Ayya Kathrin Vimalañāṇī


I was born into an eminent family,
affluent and wealthy,
endowed with a beautiful complexion and figure;
Majjha’s true-born daughter.
I was sought by princes,
coveted by sons of the wealthy.
One sent a messenger to my father:
“Give me Anopamā!
However much your daughter
Anopamā weighs,
I'll give you eight times that
in gold and gems.”
When I saw the Awakened One,
the world’s Elder, unsurpassed,
I paid homage at his feet,
then sat down to one side.
Out of compassion,
Gotama taught me the Dhamma.
While sitting in that seat,
I realized the third fruit.
Then, having shaved off my hair,
I went forth to homelessness.
This is the seventh day
since my craving dried up.