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an.4.176 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Mendicants, a faithful monk would rightly aspire:
‘May I be like Sāriputta and Moggallāna!’
These are a standard and a measure for my monk disciples, that is, Sāriputta and Moggallāna.
A faithful nun would rightly aspire:
‘May I be like the nuns Khemā and Uppalavaṇṇā!’
These are a standard and a measure for my nun disciples, that is, the nuns Khemā and Uppalavaṇṇā.
A faithful layman would rightly aspire:
‘May I be like the householder Citta and Hatthaka of Ãḷavī!’
These are a standard and a measure for my male lay disciples, that is, the householder Citta and Hatthaka of Ãḷavī.
A faithful laywoman would rightly aspire:
‘May I be like the laywomen Khujjuttarā and Veḷukaṇṭakī, Nanda’s mother!’
These are a standard and a measure for my female lay disciples, that is, the laywomen Khujjuttarā and Veḷukaṇṭakī, Nanda’s mother.”