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an.4.31 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

The Wheel

“Bhikkhus, there are these four wheels. When these four wheels turn, those devas and humans who possess them soon attain greatness and abundance of wealth. What four? Dwelling in a suitable locality, relying on good persons, right resolution, and merits done in the past. These are the four wheels. When these four wheels turn, those devas and humans who possess them soon attain greatness and abundance of wealth.”

When a person dwells in a suitable locality
and makes friends with the noble ones,
when he has formed right resolutions,
and done deeds of merit in the past,
grain, riches, fame, and reputation,
along with happiness accrue to him.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh


“Mendicants, there are these four situations. When these situations come about, any god or human who takes advantage of them will soon acquire great and abundant wealth.
What four?
Living in a suitable region, relying on good people, being rightly resolved in oneself, and past merit.
These are the four situations. When these situations come about, any god or human who takes advantage of them will soon acquire great and abundant wealth.
When a person lives in a suitable region,
making friends with noble ones,
possessing right resolve,
and having merit from the past,
grain, riches, fame, reputation,
and happiness come to them.”