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sn.1.42 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Giving What?

A devatā:

“Giving what does one give strength?
Giving what does one give beauty?
Giving what does one give ease?
Giving what does one give sight?
Who is the giver of all?
Being asked, please explain to me.”

The Blessed One:

“Giving food, one gives strength;
Giving clothes, one gives beauty;
Giving a vehicle, one gives ease;
Giving a lamp, one gives sight.

“The one who gives a residence
Is the giver of all.
But the one who teaches the Dhamma
Is the giver of the Deathless.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Giving What?

“Giving what do you give strength?
Giving what do you give beauty?
Giving what do you give happiness?
Giving what do you give vision?
And who is the giver of all?
Please answer my question.”
“Giving food you give strength.
Giving clothes you give beauty.
Giving a vehicle you give happiness.
Giving a lamp you give vision.
And the giver of all
is the one who gives a residence.
But a person who teaches the Dhamma
gives the gift of the Deathless.”