buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.530 Thera Apadana


Formerly I took Bodhi leaves,
fallen in the stupa-courtyard,
and having swept, threw them away.
I then obtained twenty virtues:

Through the power of that karma,
transmigrating from birth to birth,
I transmigrate in just two states:
that of a god, or of a man.

Falling from the world of the gods,
having come to the human state,
I’m being born in just two clans:
the kṣatriyan and the brahmin.

I possess perfected limbs, \[with
proper\] length and circumference;
I’m very handsome and splendid,
with complete limbs, nothing lacking.

In the world of gods or of men,
in whichever place I‘m reborn,
I am golden-colored for life,
to be compared with molten gold.

Due to well-thrown-out Bodhi leaves,
all of the time my outer skin
is pliable and soft and smooth,
and fine like a very young boy’s.

When my body has arisen
in whatever state of rebirth,
I am not soiled with dirt and dust:
the result of thrown-away leaves.

When there is heat or burning wind,
or through the heat of fire on it,
on my body no sweat’s released:
the result of thrown-away leaves.

On my body there’s no ringworm,
rashes, abscesses, leprosy,
and likewise neither moles nor boils:
the result of thrown-away leaves.

And it has another virtue,
being reborn life after life;
in my body there’s no disease:
the result of thrown-away leaves.

And it has another virtue,
being reborn life after life;
there’s no torment born of the mind:
the result of thrown-away leaves.

And it has another virtue,
being reborn life after life;
for it there are no enemies:
the result of thrown-away leaves.

And it has another virtue,
being reborn life after life;
there is no lack of possessions:
the result of thrown-away leaves.

And it has another virtue,
being reborn life after life;
there is no fear in the water,
nor from fire, from kings, and from thieves.

And it has another virtue,
being reborn life after life;
slaves and slave-girls are serving me,
in accordance with their own hearts.

When he’s born in a human state,
with whatever measure lifespan,
that lifespan does not then decline,
it lasts the lifespan’s full extent.

Moving about inside and out,
those from my city and country,
are all engaged all of the time,
wishing to grow and be happy.

I’m wealthy, famous, splendorous;
on the side of my relatives.
Free of trembling and fear of ghosts,
from every life to each new life.

Gods and men and titans as well,
music-nymphs, spirits and demons;
they are protecting me always,
transmigrating in existence.

Having enjoyed both kinds of fame,
in the world of gods and of men,
at the end I have now attained
peaceful, unsurpassed nirvana.

For a rich man making merit,
specifying the Sambuddha,
or the Bodhi of the Teacher,
what is there that’s hard to obtain?

Being better than the others
in path-fruit in the religion,
in trance, special knowledge, virtue;
I reach nirvana, undefiled.

Formerly, with a happy mind,
I threw away those Bodhi leaves;
endowed with these twenty virtues
I am existing all the time.

My defilements are now burnt up;
all new existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint.

Being in Best Buddha’s presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
I have done what the Buddha taught!

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Bodhisammajjaka Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Bodhisammajjaka Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala