buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.544 Thera Apadana


The Victor, Padumuttara,
the One with Eyes for everything,
the Leader of the World, arose
a hundred thousand aeons hence.

Lion-Jawed and Brahmā-Voiced, his
sound was like a swan’s or a drum’s;
gait heroic like a tusker’s,
very bright like the moon or sun,

Very Wise, the Great Hero, the
Great Meditator, the Great Friend,
Greatly Compassionate, the Lord,
Dispeller of the Great Darkness,

the Three Worlds’ Chief, the Sambuddha,
Sage, Knower of Beings’ Wishes,
leading many who can be led
whenever he preaches Dhamma,

the Victor delighted people,
praising amidst his retinue
a hero, meditator, calm
and undisturbed trance-loving monk.

I then lived in Haṁsavatī,
brahmin master of the Vedas.
Hearing the Teaching, being thrilled,
I aspired to attain that place.

Then the Victor prophesied, the
Leader, amidst the Assembly,
“O brahmin, you should be thrilled, for
you’ll attain that delightful place.

In one hundred thousand aeons,
arising in Okkāka’s clan,
the one whose name is Gotama
will be the Teacher in the world.

Worthy heir to that one’s Dhamma,
Dhamma’s legitimate offspring,
the one whose name is Revata
will be the Teacher’s follower.”

Due to that karma done very well,
with intention and firm resolve,
discarding my human body,
I went to Tāvatiṁsa then.

And now, in my final rebirth,
I’m born in Koliya city,
in a well-off kṣatriyan clan,
rich, prosperous, very wealthy.

When the Buddha preached the Dhamma
in Kapilavastu city,
being pleased in the Well-Gone-One,
I went forth into homelessness.

I had lots of doubts, here and there,
what is proper, what’s improper;
while preaching the supreme Dhamma,
the Buddha resolved all of that.

After that I crossed existence,
then fond of the pleasure in trance
I lived. At that time, seeing me,
the Buddha said this about me:

“Which doubts exist in this world or the other,
whether known by oneself or else known by another,
those who are meditators give up all that,
living the holy life, energetically.”

Karma done a hundred thousand
aeons hence showed me its fruit here:
well-liberated, arrow-quick,
I have destroyed my defilements.

Then the World-Surpasser, the Sage,
after seeing my love of trance,
the Great Sage then appointed me:
“foremost of monks who meditate.”

My defilements are now burnt up;
all new existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint.

Being in Best Buddha’s presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
I have done what the Buddha taught!

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Kaṅkha-Revata Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Kaṅkha-Revata Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala