buddha daily wisdom image

thag.16.5 Theragatha

Māluṅkyaputta (2nd)

When you see a sight, mindfulness is lost
as attention latches on a pleasant feature.
Experiencing it with a mind full of desire,
you keep clinging to it.
Many feelings grow
arising from sights.
The mind is damaged
by covetousness and cruelty.
Heaping up suffering like this,
you’re said to be far from quenching.
When you hear a sound, mindfulness is lost
as attention latches on a pleasant feature.
Experiencing it with a mind full of desire,
you keep clinging to it.
Many feelings grow
arising from sounds.
The mind is damaged
by covetousness and cruelty.
Heaping up suffering like this,
you’re said to be far from quenching.
When you smell an odor, mindfulness is lost
as attention latches on a pleasant feature.
Experiencing it with a mind full of desire,
you keep clinging to it.
Many feelings grow
arising from smells.
The mind is damaged
by covetousness and cruelty.
Heaping up suffering like this,
you’re said to be far from quenching.
When you enjoy a taste, mindfulness is lost
as attention latches on a pleasant feature.
Experiencing it with a mind full of desire,
you keep clinging to it.
Many feelings grow
arising from tastes.
The mind is damaged
by covetousness and cruelty.
Heaping up suffering like this,
you’re said to be far from quenching.
When you sense a touch, mindfulness is lost
as attention latches on a pleasant feature.
Experiencing it with a mind full of desire,
you keep clinging to it.
Many feelings grow
arising from touches.
The mind is damaged
by covetousness and cruelty.
Heaping up suffering like this,
you’re said to be far from quenching.
When you know a thought, mindfulness is lost
as attention latches on a pleasant feature.
Experiencing it with a mind full of desire,
you keep clinging to it.
Many feelings grow
arising from thoughts.
The mind is damaged
by covetousness and cruelty.
Heaping up suffering like this,
you’re said to be far from quenching.
When you see a sight with mindfulness,
there’s no desire for sights.
Experiencing it with a mind free of desire,
you don’t keep clinging to it.
Even as you see a sight
and undergo a feeling,
you wear away, you don’t heap up:
that’s how to live mindfully.
Eroding suffering like this,
you’re said to be in the presence of quenching.
When you hear a sound with mindfulness,
there’s no desire for sounds.
Experiencing it with a mind free of desire,
you don’t keep clinging to it.
Even as you hear a sound
and undergo a feeling,
you wear away, you don’t heap up:
that’s how to live mindfully.
Eroding suffering like this,
you’re said to be in the presence of quenching.
When you smell an odor with mindfulness,
there’s no desire for odors.
Experiencing it with a mind free of desire,
you don’t keep clinging to it.
Even as you smell an odor
and undergo a feeling,
you wear away, you don’t heap up:
that’s how to live mindfully.
Eroding suffering like this,
you’re said to be in the presence of quenching.
Enjoying a taste with mindfulness,
there’s no desire for tastes.
Experiencing it with a mind free of desire,
you don’t keep clinging to it.
Even as you savor a taste
and undergo a feeling,
you wear away, you don’t heap up:
that’s how to live mindfully.
Eroding suffering like this,
you’re said to be in the presence of quenching.
When you sense a touch with mindfulness,
there’s no desire for touches.
Experiencing it with a mind free of desire,
you don’t keep clinging to it.
Even as you sense a touch
and get familiar with how it feels,
you wear away, you don’t heap up:
that’s how to live mindfully.
Eroding suffering like this,
you’re said to be in the presence of quenching.
When you know a thought with mindfulness,
there’s no desire for thoughts.
Experiencing it with a mind free of desire,
you don’t keep clinging to it.
Even as you know a thought
and get familiar with how it feels,
you wear away, you don’t heap up:
that’s how to live mindfully.
Eroding suffering like this,
you’re said to be in the presence of quenching.