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an.6.103 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Without Exception (2)

“In seeing six rewards, it’s enough motivation for a monk to establish the perception of stress with regard to all fabrications without exception. Which six? ‘The perception of disenchantment will be established within me with regard to all fabrications, like a murderer with a drawn sword. My mind will rise above every world. I’ll become one who sees peace in Unbinding. My obsessions will go to their destruction. I’ll be one who has completed his task. The Teacher will have been served with good will.’

“In seeing these six rewards, it’s enough motivation for a monk to establish the perception of stress with regard to all fabrications without exception.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera

With a Drawn Sword

“Mendicants, seeing six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of suffering in all conditions without qualification.
What six?
‘Perception of disillusionment will be established in me for all conditions, like a killer with a drawn sword.’
‘My mind will rise above the whole world.’ ‘I will see extinguishment as peaceful.’ ‘My underlying tendencies will be uprooted.’ ‘I will fulfill my duty.’ ‘I will have served my Teacher with love.’
Seeing these six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of suffering in all conditions without qualification.”