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an.6.104 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Without Exception (3)

“In seeing six rewards, it’s enough motivation for a monk to establish the perception of not-self with regard to all phenomena without exception. Which six? ‘I won’t be fashioned in connection with any world. My I-making will be stopped. My my-making will be stopped. I’ll be endowed with uncommon knowledge. I’ll become one who rightly sees cause, along with causally-originated phenomena.’

“In seeing these six rewards, it’s enough motivation for a monk to establish the perception of not-self with regard to all phenomena without exception.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera


“Mendicants, seeing six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of not-self in all things without qualification.
What six?
‘I will be without identification in the whole world.’ ‘My egoism will stop.’ ‘My possessiveness will stop.’ ‘I will have unshared knowledge.’ ‘I will clearly see causes and the phenomena that arise from causes.’
Seeing these six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of not-self in all things without qualification.”