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an.8.18 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Bondage (2)

“Bhikkhus, a man binds a woman in eight ways. What eight? A man binds a woman by his form … by his smile … by his speech … by singing … by weeping … by his appearance … by a present … by his touch. A man binds a woman in these eight ways. Those beings are thoroughly bound who are bound by touch.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Catching (2nd)

“Mendicants, a man catches a woman using eight features.
What eight?
With weeping,
gifts of wildflowers,
and touches.
A man catches a woman using these eight features.
But those beings who are caught by touch are well and truly caught.”