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sn.1.16 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Drowsiness and Lethargy

“Drowsiness, lethargy, lazy stretching,
Discontent, torpor after meals:
Because of this, here among beings,
The noble path does not appear.”

“Drowsiness, lethargy, lazy stretching,
Discontent, torpor after meals:
When one dispels this with energy,
The noble path is cleared.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Sleepiness and Sloth

“Sleepiness, sloth, and yawning,
discontent, and grogginess after eating:
because of this the noble path
doesn’t shine for creatures here.”
“Sleepiness, sloth, and yawning,
discontent, and grogginess after eating:
when this is energetically fended off,
the noble path is purified.”