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sn.1.17 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Difficult to Practise

“The ascetic life is hard to practise
And hard for the inept to endure,
For many are the obstructions there
In which the fool founders.”

“How many days can one practise the ascetic life
If one does not rein in one’s mind?
One would founder with each step
Under the control of one’s intentions.

“Drawing in the mind’s thoughts
As a tortoise draws its limbs into its shell,
Independent, not harassing others, fully quenched,
A bhikkhu would not blame anyone.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

Hard to Do

“Hard to do, hard to endure,
is the ascetic life for the inept,
for it has many narrow passes
where the fool founders.”
“How many days could an ascetic live
without controlling the mind?
They’d founder with each step,
under the sway of thoughts.
A mendicant should collect their thoughts
as a tortoise draws its limbs into its shell.
Independent, not disturbing others,
quenched: they wouldn’t blame anyone.”