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sn.11.23 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


At Savatthī. The Blessed One said this: “Bhikkhus, once in the past Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, was sick, afflicted, gravely ill. Then Sakka, lord of the devas, approached Vepacitti to inquire about his illness. Vepacitti saw Sakka coming in the distance and said to him: ‘Cure me, lord of the devas.’— ‘Teach me, Vepacitti, the Sambari magic.’—‘I won’t teach it, dear sir, until I have asked the asuras for permission.’

“Then, bhikkhus, Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, asked the asuras: ‘May I teach the Sambari magic to Sakka, lord of the devas?’—‘Do not teach him the Sambari magic, dear sir.’

“Then, bhikkhus, Vepacitti, lord of the asuras, addressed Sakka, lord of the devas, in verse:

“‘A magician—O Maghava, Sakka,
King of devas, Suja’s husband—
Goes to the terrible hell,
Like Sambara, for a hundred years.’”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

The Sambari Sorcery

At Sāvatthī.
The Buddha said this:
“Once upon a time, mendicants, Vepacitti, lord of demons, was sick, suffering, gravely ill.
So Sakka went to see him to ask after his illness.
Vepacitti saw Sakka coming off in the distance,
and said to him,
‘Heal me, lord of gods!’
‘Teach me, Vepacitti, the Sambari sorcery.’
‘I can’t do that, good sir, until I have consulted with the demons.’
Then Vepacitti, lord of demons, asked the demons,
‘Good sirs, may I teach the Sambari sorcery to Sakka, lord of gods?’
‘Do not, good sir, teach the Sambari sorcery to Sakka!’
So Vepacitti addressed Sakka in verse:
‘O Maghavā, O Sakka,
king of gods, Sujā’s husband,
a sorceror falls into the terrible hell—
like Sambara, for a hundred years.’”