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sn.44.9 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

The Debating Hall

Then the wanderer Vacchagotta approached the Blessed One and exchanged greetings with him. When they had concluded their greetings and cordial talk, he sat down to one side and said to the Blessed One:

“In recent days, Master Gotama, a number of ascetics, brahmins, and wanderers of various sects had assembled in the debating hall and were sitting together when this conversation arose among them: ‘This Pūraṇa Kassapa—the leader of an order, the leader of a group, the teacher of a group, the well known and famous spiritual guide considered holy by many people—declares the rebirth of a disciple who has passed away and died thus: “That one was reborn there, that one was reborn there.” And in the case of a disciple who was a person of the highest kind, a supreme person, one who had attained the supreme attainment, when that disciple has passed away and died he also declares his rebirth thus: “That one was reborn there, that one was reborn there.” This Makkhali Gosala … This Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta … This Sañjaya Belaṭṭhiputta … This Pakudha Kaccayana … This Ajita Kesakambalī … when that disciple has passed away and died he also declares his rebirth thus: “That one was reborn there, that one was reborn there.” This ascetic Gotama—the leader of an order, the leader of a group, the teacher of a group, the well known and famous spiritual guide considered holy by many people—declares the rebirth of a disciple who has passed away and died thus: “That one was reborn there, that one was reborn there.” But in the case of a disciple who was a person of the highest kind, a supreme person, one who had attained the supreme attainment, when that disciple has passed away and died he does not declare his rebirth thus: “That one was reborn there, that one was reborn there.” Rather, he declares of him: “He cut off craving, severed the fetter, and, by completely breaking through conceit, he has made an end to suffering.”’

“There was perplexity in me, Master Gotama, there was doubt: ‘How is the Dhamma of the ascetic Gotama to be understood?’”

“It is fitting for you to be perplexed, Vaccha, it is fitting for you to doubt. Doubt has arisen in you about a perplexing matter. I declare, Vaccha, rebirth for one with fuel, not for one without fuel. Just as a fire burns with fuel, but not without fuel, so, Vaccha, I declare rebirth for one with fuel, not for one without fuel.”

“Master Gotama, when a flame is flung by the wind and goes some distance, what does Master Gotama declare to be its fuel on that occasion?”

“When, Vaccha, a flame is flung by the wind and goes some distance, I declare that it is fuelled by the wind. For on that occasion the wind is its fuel.”

“And, Master Gotama, when a being has laid down this body but has not yet been reborn in another body, what does Master Gotama declare to be its fuel on that occasion?”

“When, Vaccha, a being has laid down this body but has not yet been reborn in another body, I declare that it is fuelled by craving. For on that occasion craving is its fuel.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

The Debating Hall

Then the wanderer Vacchagotta went up to the Buddha and exchanged greetings with him.
When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side, and said to the Buddha:
“Master Gotama, a few days ago several ascetics, brahmins, and wanderers who follow various other paths were sitting together in the debating hall, and this discussion came up among them:
‘This Pūraṇa Kassapa leads an order and a community, and teaches a community. He’s a well-known and famous religious founder, regarded as holy by many people.
When a disciple passes away, he declares that
this one is reborn here, while that one is reborn there.
And as for a disciple who is a supreme person, highest of people, having reached the highest point, when they pass away he also declares that
this one is reborn here, while that one is reborn there.
This Makkhali Gosāla …
Nigaṇṭha Nāṭaputta …
Sañjaya Belaṭṭhiputta …
Pakudha Kaccāyana …
Ajita Kesakambala leads an order and a community, and teaches a community. He’s a well-known and famous religious founder, regarded as holy by many people.
When a disciple passes away, he declares that
this one is reborn here, while that one is reborn there.
And as for a disciple who is a supreme person, highest of people, having reached the highest point, when they pass away he also declares that
this one is reborn here, while that one is reborn there.
This ascetic Gotama leads an order and a community, and teaches a community. He’s a well-known and famous religious founder, regarded as holy by many people.
When a disciple passes away, he declares that
this one is reborn here, while that one is reborn there.
But as for a disciple who is a supreme person, highest of people, having reached the highest point, when they pass away he doesn’t declare that
this one is reborn here, while that one is reborn there.
Rather, he declares that they have
cut off craving, untied the fetters, and by rightly comprehending conceit have made an end of suffering.
I had doubt and uncertainty about that:
‘How on earth can I understand the ascetic Gotama’s teaching?’”
“Vaccha, no wonder you’re doubting and uncertain.
Doubt has come up in you about an uncertain matter.
I describe rebirth for someone who grasps fuel, not for someone who doesn’t grasp fuel.
It’s like a fire which only burns with fuel, not without fuel.
In the same way I describe rebirth for someone who grasps fuel, not for someone who doesn’t grasp fuel.”
“But when a flame is blown away by the wind, what do you say is its fuel then?”
“At such a time, I say that it’s fueled by wind.
For the wind is its fuel then.”
“But when someone who is attached has laid down this body and has not been reborn in one of the realms, what does Master Gotama say is their fuel then?”
“When someone who is attached has laid down this body, Vaccha, and has not been reborn in one of the realms, I say they’re fueled by craving.
For craving is their fuel then.”