buddha daily wisdom image

sn.47.30 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


The same setting. Now on that occasion the householder Manadinna was sick, afflicted, gravely ill. Then the householder Manadinna addressed a man thus:

“Come, good man” … as above

“I am not bearing up, venerable sir, I am not getting better. Strong painful feelings are increasing in me, not subsiding, and their increase, not their subsiding, is to be discerned. But, venerable sir, when I am being touched by such painful feeling, I dwell contemplating the body in the body … feelings in feelings … mind in mind … phenomena in phenomena, ardent, clearly comprehending, mindful, having removed covetousness and displeasure in regard to the world. And as to these five lower fetters taught by the Blessed One, I do not see any of these unabandoned in myself.”

“It is a gain for you, householder! It is well gained by you, householder! You have declared, householder, the fruit of nonreturning.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh

With Mānadinna

The same setting.
Now at that time the householder Mānadinna was sick, suffering, gravely ill.
Then he addressed a man:
“Please, mister, go to Venerable Ānanda …” …
“Sir, I’m not keeping well, I’m not alright. The pain is terrible and growing, not fading; its growing is evident, not its fading.
When I experience such painful feelings I meditate observing an aspect of the body—keen, aware, and mindful, rid of desire and aversion for the world.
I meditate observing an aspect of feelings …
mind …
principles—keen, aware, and mindful, rid of desire and aversion for the world.
And of the five lower fetters taught by the Buddha, I don’t see any that I haven’t given up.”
“You’re fortunate, householder, so very fortunate!
You have declared the fruit of non-return.”