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snp.5.14 Suttanipata

The Young Man Udaya’s Questions

“To the meditator who sits dust-free,” said venerable Udaya,
“with duty-done, pollutant-free,
who is perfect in all things, I have come in need with a question:
please tell of freedom through knowledge, the breaking up of ignorance.”

“The giving up of sensual desire, Udaya,” said the Gracious One,
“and of sorrow, these two,
the dispelling of sloth, and the constraint of worry about wrong-doing.

“Purity through equanimity and mindfulness, preceded by thought of impermanent things,
this I call freedom through knowledge, the breaking up of ignorance.”

“By what is the world fettered?” said venerable Udaya,
“By what does it roam about?
By completely giving up what thing is there what is called Nibbāna?”

“The world is fettered by enjoyment, Udaya,” said the Gracious One,
“it roams about through reflections.
By completely giving up craving there is what is called Nibbāna.”

“For he who lives mindfully, how is it consciousness ceases?
We have come to ask the Gracious One, therefore may we hear your word.”

“Without rejoicing over feeling on the inside or outside—
for he who lives mindfully in this way, consciousness ceases.”

The Young Man Udaya’s Questions are Finished

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato

Udaya’s Questions

To the contemplative seated free of dust,
done what should be done, with inflows none,
to the one beyond all dharmas gone,
to him with a question have I come:
Please say by shattering ignorance
how Final Knowledge’s free.

Let go desires for pleasures of sense,
with all bad-mindedness as well,
sloth dispel and check remorse,

poised mindfulness completely pure,
forerun by Dharma-distinguishing:
I say by shattering ignorance,
there’s Final Knowledge free.

What’s the fetter of the world?
and what the world’s wandering?
By abandonment of what
is it Nirvāṇa named?

Enjoyment: the fetter of the world,
while thinking, the world’s wandering,
the letting-go of craving—
it’s Nirvāṇa named.

How is consciousness broken up
in one who practises mindfully?
To the Lord we come with this question,
we wish to hear your words.

Feeling both within, without—
in that do not delight,
thus consciousness is broken up
in one who practises mindfully.

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills

The Questions of Udaya

“To the meditator, rid of hopes,”
said Venerable Udaya,
“who has completed the task, is free of defilements,
and has gone beyond all things,
I have come seeking with a question.
Tell me the liberation by enlightenment,
the smashing of ignorance.”
“The giving up of sensual desires,”
replied the Buddha,
“and aversions, both;
the dispelling of dullness,
and the prevention of remorse.
Pure equanimity and mindfulness,
with investigation of principles running out in front—
this, I declare, is liberation by enlightenment,
the smashing of ignorance.”
“What fetters the world?
How does it travel about?
With the giving up of what
is extinguishment spoken of?”
“Delight fetters the world.
It travels about by means of thought.
With the giving up of craving
extinguishment is spoken of.”
“For one living mindfully,
how does consciousness cease?
We’ve come to ask the Buddha;
let us hear what you say.”
“Not taking pleasure in feeling
internally and externally—
for one living mindfully,
that’s how consciousness ceases.”