buddha daily wisdom image

ud.1.5 Udana

The Discourse about the Elders

Thus I heard: At one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Sāvatthī, in Jeta’s Wood, at Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then at that time venerable Sāriputta, venerable Mahāmoggallāna, venerable Mahākassapa, venerable Mahākaccāyana, venerable Mahākoṭṭhita, venerable Mahākappina, venerable Mahācunda, venerable Anuruddha, venerable Revata, and venerable Nanda went to the Gracious One.

The Gracious One saw those venerable ones coming while still far away, and having seen them, he addressed the monks saying: “These brāhmaṇas are coming, monks; these brāhmaṇas are coming, monks.”

After that was said, a certain monk who was a brāhmaṇa by birth, said to the Gracious One: “To what extent, dear Gotama, is one a brāhmaṇa? And again what things make one a brāhmaṇa?”

Then the Gracious One, having understood the significance of it, on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

“Those who, having removed bad things, live always mindful,
The Buddhas who have destroyed the fetters,
truly they are brāhmaṇas in the world.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato

The Brahmin

So I have heard.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery.
Now at that time a number of senior monks approached the Buddha—Venerables Sāriputta, Mahāmoggallāna, Mahākassapa, Mahākaccāna, Mahākoṭṭhita, Mahākappina, Mahācunda, Anuruddha, Revata, and Nanda.
The Buddha saw them coming off in the distance,
and addressed the mendicants:
“These, mendicants, are brahmins coming!
These are brahmins coming!”
When he said this, a certain mendicant of the brahmin caste asked the Buddha,
“Sir, how do you define a brahmin? And what are the things that make one a brahmin?”
Then, understanding this matter, on that occasion the Buddha expressed this heartfelt sentiment:
“Having banished bad qualities,
those who live always mindful,
with fetters ended, awakened,
they are the world’s true brahmins.”